Palliative Care
Our team of experienced professionals at HSAJB Surgery is committed to providing you with the best possible care, which includes palliative care. We believe that everyone deserves to live the rest of their lives comfortably with dignity, and we work hard to make that a reality for our patients.
When should you consider palliative care?
Palliative care should be considered from the start of your journey. It shouldn't be considered an alternative or a means to an end but a supporting hand as you work through your illness. The importance of palliative care may become more apparent as you approach the end of your journey.
Palliative care is about appreciating the time we have living instead of focusing on death and dying. The aim is for patients to spend time with loved ones, to finish unwritten works and be as comfortable as possible up till the end.

Timeline Model and Role of Palliative Care
EOL, End of Life. Source: modified from MiPCT 2013 Annual Summit

Information for Patients

For Healthcare Professionals
With the growth of palliative care and hospices in Malaysia, it is essential to equip caregivers and healthcare professionals with knowledge on the best and evidence-based practices relating to palliative care in Malaysia.
The 2nd edition of palliative care manual is written by local specialists to ensure that these managements are practical as well as relevant to local settings.
Link to purchase: https://bit.ly/467EKO7

Related Links

Hospis Malaysia

Malaysian Hospice Council

Palliative Care Association Johor Bahru