Johor Surgical Conference 2022

In accordance to the COVID-19 SOPs mandated by the MKN, all delegates and sponsors are REQUIRED to do the following PRIOR to the conference:
1. Fill up the online self declaration form.
This is a mandatory form, to be filled within 24 hours PRIOR to arrival at the conference. The URL for this questionnaire will be sent to you via EMAIL before the event.
Kindly upload a picture in JPEG/PDF format of a self-administered COVID-19 RTK antigen test done WITHIN 24H before arrival at the conference. The photo should include the RTK kit with your NAME, DATE and TIME of the test, written on a piece of paper placed NEXT to the test kit. The uploaded file should be renamed to your full name and uploaded to a online storage site provided by the secretariat.
2. Any delegates who fulfil the FOLLOWING CRITERIA should inform the secretariat and REFRAIN from attending the conference at the physical venue :
Experience upper respiratory tract symptoms/fever or
Have been designated as a CLOSE CONTACT on MySejahtera
Have not completed minimum 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccination
Positive COVID19 RTK or PCR test
A link will be provided to affected participants for VIRTUAL participation.
COVID 19 Venue Check-in protocol :-
Present COVID-19 Risk and vaccination Status in MySejahtera at entrance
Check-in by scanning QR code provided at entrance
Adhere to physical distancing of at least 1 metre apart at all times
Judicious usage of hand sanitisers prior to entering and in between lunch/break sessions.
Wear face masks at all public areas of the conference
Other COVID 19 safety measures that are in place :-
Reduced seating capacity in event space to allow adequate distancing between delegates. No rearrangement of chairs without committee notification.
Frequent sanitisation of common high touch points such as door handles, and microphones.
Service buffet and beverage stations are indicated with single entry and exit points to allow queuing with physical distancing.
Meals are to be consumed at designated dining space or room.
Monitoring of adherence of COVID 19 SOPs throughout event.